First of all the Church is a community that worships God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This worship is the foundation for all the teaching that takes place. This is most obvious in the reading of the Holy Scripture in the services, above all the readings from the Gospel and the Epistle in every liturgy. Often there will be a sermon to help with our understanding of the Gospel. Our prayers also focus our minds and hearts on the central truths of the faith, and if we listen with an open heart we learn and understand more fully.
The most important part of our learning takes place in the family. What children learn in their early years provides the basis for everything. The children in the parish meet each week after the liturgy for a short Sunday School in which they learn about the Gospel for the day. This gives them the chance, with the teachers, to develop their ideas together. But their main teaching is, of course, in the family and the church offers support for the parents.
For those new to the Church, we provide catechetical teaching. This is tailored to the particular needs of the person seeking baptism, the catechumen.